“Tales of Asimov” is a collection of movements written by the young composer Enrico Ferri, inspired by the anthology “Robot Dreams” by Isaac Asimov. This piece is Enrico’s contribution to the Rosin Octet, for which he worked alongside the ensemble for several months to discover the possibilities, different colors, sonorities, and effects of each instrument, as well as the musical identity of each of the players, to come up with the best possible result.
“Their uncommon setting and versatility at different music styles are truly inspiring features for a contemporary composer. By mixing two distinctive genres that I particularly admire, 20th century romantic and ambient drone music, I am having the chance to emphasize the extraordinary sonic quality of each member and their sound atmosphere as a unique, tight-knit ensemble.”
“Tales of Asimov” was premiered and performed several times in 2022 in the Netherlands by the Rosin Octet.